Our steel cricket cage net enclosures are the same for domestic, school or professional models. A robust 39mm diameter steel with a 3mm wall thickness. This is suitable for fll weight balls. Additionally, our cages are extruded, which makes the joints extremely safe. The steel cages are made exclusively built for ourselves in the UK to our specifications, ensuring high quality and long life. Replacement parts, clamps and fittings are available after sales.
Cricket cage sizes are varied. For basic use at least a 9m length is preferred. A roof height of 3.6m is preferred to allow the high spin bowling styles. Cages are available in single or multi lane and come with options of animal safety skirting and cavas lane baffle blinker. We supply mobile and freestanding designs, but for permanent facilites is recommended to use fixed in ground steel cage systems as pictured. (University of Warwick).
Costs vary according to the size of the pitch and batting net cage required, type of top matting, distance and digging plant access.