An outdoor practice area cricket pitch begins with a dig out and creation of a solid cement base. In most residential applications a cement base is usually selected as they are convenient, cost effective and lower maintenence than aggregate dymanim bases. A typical width without a cage is 2m. If used with a cage this is often extended with 1m sides of surround needle punch matting either side of the playing surface matting. This gives an excellent finish, but also removes the problem of mowing grass near expensive netting. The entire area can be brushed or leaf blown in minutes.
For all weather performance we supply either 5.8kgs backed IBC matting or 6.4kgs heavyweight (daily use). backed with a composite underside shock padding. IBC offers good overall performance with a life expectancy of between 5 and 7 years over a cement or tarmac base.
Costs vary according to the size of the pitch required, type of top matting, distance and digging plant access.